A Multimedia Streaming Company

Welcome to Veedax. Our solutions are built from the ground up using existing off-the-shelf products that are proven and readily available in the market and are fully compatible with existing mobile and web technologies. We design our solutions with the following things in mind:
  • Fast time to Market: Up and running within the shortest time possible.
  • Built to scale: Start from a few hundred users and expand to reach a worldwide audience
  • Efficient: Minimal manpower to operate the system from loading video files to publishing and integrating it to your website
  • Affordable: Choose between monthly managed service or BUILD, OPERATE and TRANSFER schemes.
  • Device* and network** agnostic allows the client to reach a wide variety of clients

*Device refers to Internet enabled devices from PC's, notebooks, netbooks, tablets and smartphones using almost any operating system from Windows, Apple's OSX and iOS, Android and different Linux flavors.

**WiFi, DSL, or 3G/HSDPA networks with at least a constant download speed of 512kbps (VGA quality at 640x480).